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Annual HIPAA Education

Annual HIPAA Education

Annual HIPAA Education

It is a federally mandated requirement for all individuals and organizations in the health-care related industry to show proof of Annual education compliance training for HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). HIPAA laws are strictly enforced by the OCR (Office of Civil Rights). Annual compliance training for all employees in health-care related industries is a top requirement. EPICourses makes it easy. Get online training and certification all verifiable. Get all required training in 1 easy HIPAA Complete Compliance Bundle. Learn More!

HIPAA Compliance Courses

The HIPAA Privacy 2022 course will cover the basics of HIPAA Privacy as it relates to (1) Overall Background and General Information, (2) Basic Concepts of HIPAA Privacy, (3) HIPAA Privacy Basic Components, (4) Breach Procedures and (5) Omnibus Rule. The HIPAA Security 2022 course presentation will be covering the basics of HIPAA Security as it relates to (1) Overall Background and General Information, (2) Basic Concepts of HIPAA Security, (3) HIPAA Security Basic Components, (4) Breach Procedures and (5) Omnibus Rule.

HIPAA Privacy & Security Training Course

The Affordable Care Act, & Office of the Inspector General (ACA/OIG) – Medicare 2022 course covers the Office of the Inspector General requirements and some of the most common laws used by the Office of the Inspector General including but not limited to the Affordable Care Act. This course is designed to promote awareness and understanding of healthcare professionals about the Federal laws designed to protect the Government programs – Medicare and Medicaid.

OSHA Course is always FREE as part of EPICompliance and EPICourses Healthcare Safety Mission. Safety is a number one priority – thus we provide our Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for Healthcare Certification Course free of charge every year. Needle sticks, bloodborne pathogens and biomedical waste handling and education is of utmost importance to Healthcare Providers and Patients.

This HIPAA & Business Premium Bundle gives the user access to all four courses:
  1.  Affordable Care Act, & Office of the Inspector General (ACA/OIG) – Medicare 2020 Course
  2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 2020 Course
  3. HIPAA Privacy 2022 Course
  4. HIPAA Security 2022 Course

HIPAA Compliance Course Bundle

OCR Concludes 2018 with All-Time Record Year for HIPAA Enforcement

“In 2018, OCR settled 10 cases and secured one judgment, together totaling $28.7 million”

OCR also works in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ) to refer possible criminal violations of HIPAA. As stated on